Tag Archives: Bubbles

Rubber Ducky You’re the One

9 Feb

Why Taking A Bath is Hot and Good For You…

"Taking a Roman Bath in Rome" ~ Rome, Italy

These are my twinkly toes surrounded by Michelangelo’s marble in my first bath in Italy. I had just arrived in Rome at midnight and granted the cutest room overlooking the Pantheon (Completely unplanned. I had no idea where I was staying at and booked the room at the airport in Rome).  Not all European hotels have bathtubs, but I made it my mission to try and find the ones that did. Marble is everywhere in Italy as pointed out to me by one of the hotel staff. The white stuff that grows on the Apuan Alps on the Mediterranean coast ain’t snow, it’s marble.  The very same marble Michelangelo’s sculptures were created with.  Who else baths in marble baths you say?  Birds do it (ever heard of birdbaths?), bees do it (okay, they do it in honey , but that’s hot!). Let’s take a bath! Not together folks. Okay, wait, that’s pretty hot too if you can get your honey in the tub with you. Think of the bathtub scene with Natalie Portmon and Zach Braff in the movie Garden State. The shower scene hook, line and sinkered Kate Hudson and Mathew McConaughey in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Tubbing together can be in incredible vulnerable and sweet place to be together. Valentines Day is coming guys ~ ‘nothing your sweetheart would love more then for you to draw a hot bubble bath, fill the room with candles, incense and petals and soap her up!

Man has been bathing since the dawn of time. Okay, maybe not neanderthal time, but I’m sure as soon as we found the ritual of bathing in mother nature’s waters we were happier than pigs in….mud. See! Even the pigs have their own version. Albeit, the very opposite of getting clean, but to them, that’s their version! Lets roll around in swine and crap for a while! That’s hot too. Kidding. How do you think the bikini clad mud wrestling came about? Wait a second, how did I get from cleaning rituals to mud fights? I digress. Adding a bath to your weekly ritual is an incredibly healing habit to get it into. We were born in a water filled sack and if our parents treated us right, received a bath every day until we could scream bloody murder that we preferred not! Probably age 5 when we were all rocking our king of the hill in the local sandbox. At an early age, the bath becomes a place to soothe, relax and change the ‘activity” state of mind for a baby and a child before bedtime. And it cleans the toe-jam from their toes too. I don’t have toe jam (see picture above). It can also be a lot of fun and a bonding experience for both child and parent. You’ll be thanking the Nanny show if you schedule it at the same time every night. Just leave room for story time!

Teenage years arrives and bath time either completely disappears or remains as beauty regiment. Skip a few years and into adulthood. I don’t know very many men who bathe, or if they do admit to it (would love to hear from you and why you love bath time). I tell you, both sexes would be a lot happier if you did though! Bath time can be a place for relaxation, switching gears and meditation. Crank it up a notch by adding sea salt or epsom salt to your baths. The pure stuff with no additives. Both salts act as a detox by drawing toxins form the body and softening the skin.  Epsom salt relaxes the nervous system and relieves inflammation by replenishing magnesium in the body. Dead Sea salts can treat eczema, psoriasis and arthritis. For salt fun have you ever tried those bath bombs? Hello effervescence heaven! Tingle. Drop one of those into your bath and it’s grade 6 volcano experiment all over again. They fizzle up like diving into a tub of 7up, drop essential oil like lavender in and colour the water. Certain colours have healing effects for the soul. Three healing properties packed into one bath-bomb! The Lush bath store stalk piles these by the dozen. Pick your flavor, scent or intent.

Check out Rock Hudson and Doris Day in Pillow Talk


What makes Zach Braff vulnerable in this bathtub scene with Natalie Portmon?


Get Your Splash On!
1) Time: Set aside minimum 1/2 hour in your day. 1 – 1.5 hr is perfect.
2) Day: Sunday’s rock. So do Fridays after a long week.
3) Extras: Lights out, bubbles, candles and incense expedite all your senses.
4) Pick your musical score: Billie Holiday is great for lazy Sundays, Chillout Sessions for end of a long-week Fridays and Sade for pre-date suds.
4) Add-Ons: Grab your favorite book that you don’t mind getting wet (magazines work well)
5) Slather on lavender oil after to lock in moisture and lull you into sleep.
BONUS: A bathboy to rub your feet, bring you a chocolate sundae and refill your wine glass!

Bath time is for everyone and should be part of a weekly, if not a daily routine.

What are your bath time rituals? I love when staying in a hotel that you can dump the entire bottle of bath soap for bubbles because there will be another one waiting for you the next day! (Case in point seen in featured pic).

Bath~bombs away ~ SPLASH!

In Richness of Pampering
• 9pm
• Montreal, Canada
• “My mother used to bathe my brother and I in the duo laundry
tubs. Good way to bathe splashing twins!


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